Film: Günther Grass - literature in the kitchen

  Günther Grass - literature in the kitchen

Texto  español  English Text - coming

Buenea tardes amigos y amigas, esto es un encuentro más de literatura y cocina, el dia de hoy nuestro protagonista principal la cebolla y para
acompanar a la cebolla un senor llamado Günther Grass, premio nobel de literatura, en el ano 1999, pero resulta que el senor Günther Grass, es un autor que convence a muy pocos y que en realidad podríamos catalogizar insignificante lo cierto es que en materias de marketing Günther Grass es un Napoleón , imaginense ustedes por un momento, solo por un momento, que Günter Grass solo hubiese sido monaguillo de la iglesia,


zero libro vendido, imaginense ustedes ... por un momento que Günther Grass solo hubiese sido miembro del ejercito regular,


zero libros vendidos


todos los libros vendidos

Creo que Günther Grass debería asesorarnos en cuestiones de marketing. ahora imaginense ustedes por un momento que Günther Grass confesara que tuvo una turbulenta, oscura, sangrienta relación con Marylin Monroe, con Marylin, revelando todo, de hecho el libro debería llamarse lo que Henry Miller no logro.

Good afternoon, my friends, this is one more meeting of literature and kitchen, today our principal protagonist is the onion and for
to accompany to the onion a gentleman called Günther Grass, Nobel Prize of literature, in the year 1999, but it turns out that mister Günther Grass, is an author that convinces very few and that actually we might catalogizar insignificantly but the true thing is that in matters of marketing Günther Grass it is a Napoleón, imagine you for a moment, only for a moment, that Günter Grass had only been an


of the church. Zero sold book, imagine you ... for a moment that Günther Grass had only been a

member of the regular army

zero sold books


all the sold books

I believe that Günther Grass should advise us in questions of marketing. now imagine you for a moment that Günther Grass will confess that it had a turbulent, dark, bloody relation with Marylin Monroe, with Marylin, revealing everything, in fact the book should be called what Henry Miller did not achieve.
translation by Angela J. Shirley

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