Mambrú - Children's songs

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Mambrú is one of the most famous children's songs in Spain. It has a historical background. The Mambrú of this song is actually the Spanish version of the (very difficult to pronounce) name Marlborough. The Earl of Marlborough (1650 - 1722). He played a role in the battle of Malplaquet, where a coalition of England, Austria and Holland declined the French claim of the throne. The song has French origins and was sung by French soldiers to mock archenemy England. The song was forgotten until the nurse of Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI, sang this song to their son. This made it popular in Versaille. Through the influence of the Bourbons the song came to Spain. The melody of the song belongs to a much older song, the Convoi du de Guise from the second half of the 16th century. There are many versions of this song that are only different in the way of mocking Mambrú. This one here is quite harmless and most compatible for children. The meaning of the song is that the national hero of England died in the war and will not come back.

Mambrú se fue a la guerra,
qué dolor, qué dolor, que pena.
Mambrú se fue a la guerra,
no sé cuándo vendrá.
No sé cuándo vendrá.
Mambrú went to war
what pain, what pain, what a pity.
Mambrú went to war
does not know when he comes back.
Does not know when he comes back.

Si vendrá por la Pascua,
mire usted, mire usted, qué guasa.
Si vendrá por la Pascua o
por la Trinidad.
O por la Trinidad.
Whether he comes for Easter
have a look, have a look, what a gag.
Whether he comes for Easter
or on Trinity
or on Trinity.

La Trinidad se acaba,
mire usted, mire usted, qué rabia
La Trinidad se acaba
Mambrú no viene ya,
Mambrú viene ya.
Trinity ends
have a look, have a look, what anger
Trinity ends
Mambrú does not come
Mambrú comes now.

la guerra = war
el dolor = pain
la pena = pain
la Pascua = Easter
la Trinidad = trinity
acabarse = to end
mirar = to look
usted = formal form of you.

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