Vocals: Miroslava Martínez Rodgríguez & Guitar: Cristina Rico

El sueño de la Doncella

The sleep of the Maiden

Tierra de leyendas,
de unicornios blancos,
donde los amores se elevan alados,
tierras de doncellas
tierra de misterios
principes valientes surcando los retos.

Earth of legends,
of white unicorns,
where the loves raise flutters of wings,
grounds of maidens
ground of mysteries
brave princes furrowing the challenges.

Tierra de honor de esperanza y dolor
sueños,magia, luz y color,
almas en busca de la libertad,
sangre, lucha amor y piedad...

Earth of honor of hope and pain
sleep, magic, light and color,
souls in search of the freedom,
blood, love and piety fights...

Tierra de esperanza tierra de ensueño,
tierra de destinos en carros de fuego,
lágrimas de plata,
pétalos al viento.

Earth of hope ground of daydream,
ground of destinations in cars of fire,
silver tears,
petals to the wind.

Suspiros rosados buscando secretos,
tierra de leyendas,
de unicornios blancos amores eternos,
dulzura y pasión.

Pink sighs looking for secrets,
ground of legends,
of white unicorns eternal loves,
sweetness and passion.

Sueños de doncella,
sueño enamorado...
esperanza de amor...
Maiden's sleep,
in love sleep...
hope of love...

played for infos24 GmbH October 2008 copyright Cristina Rico und Miroslava Rodríguez
Audio studio: Jörg Reinke Homepage: www.trackbasement.de
(copyright Cristina Rico / Miroslava Rodríguez)
Translation by Angela J. Shirley

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