El rayo de Luna (The Moonbeam): Primera parte

  page 01

Era noble, había nacido entre el estruendo de las armas, y el insólito clamor de una trompa de guerra no le hubiera hecho levantar la cabeza un instante ni apartar sus ojos un punto del oscuro pergamino en que leía la última cantiga de un trovador.

Los que quisieran encontrarle, no lo debían buscar en el anchuroso patio de su castillo, donde los palafreneros domaban los potros, los pajes enseñaban a volar a los halcones, y los soldados se entretenían los días de reposo en afilar el hierro de su lanza contra una piedra.

He was noble - born between the clinking weapons, and the unknown sound of the war trumpet would not have made him lift his head or only the eyes from the dark parchment, in which he was reading the swansong of a minstrel.

Those ones, who wanted to find him, should not have been looking in the yard of his castle, where the
grooms were breaking in the horses, the squires were training the hawks and the soldier were spending their spare times sharpening the iron of their lances.

el estruendo de las armas = sound of clinking weapons
el clamor de una trompa de guerra = sound of the war trumpet
la última cantiga de un trovador = swansong of a minstrel
el palafrenero = groom
domar los potros = to break in a (young) horse
el paje = squire
el halcón = hawk
afilar el hierro de su lanza = to sharpen the iron of his lance

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