El rayo de Luna (The Moonbeam): Primera parte

  page 03

En efecto, Manrique amaba la soledad, y la amaba de tal modo, que algunas veces hubiera deseado no tener sombra, porque* su sombra no le siguiese a todas partes.
Amaba la soledad, porque en su seno, dando rienda suelta a la imaginación, forjaba un mundo fantástico, habitado por extrañas creaciones, hijas de sus delirios y sus ensueños de poeta, tanto, que nunca le habían satisfecho las formas en que pudiera encerrar sus pensamientos, y nunca los había encerrado al escribirlos.

Manrique loved the solitude, and he loved it so much that sometimes he would have wished to have no shadow, so that it could not follow him everywhere.

He loved the solitude, because in his innermost he could let his imagination run free and he created a fantastic world inhabited by strange creatures, children of his delirium and his dreams as a poet; so much that the forms to express his thoughts had never satisfied him, and never he had expressed them in writing.

porque* = * means in this case 'therefore' and requires the subjunctive
el seno = chest, the innermost
dar rienda suelta = to leave run free
forjar = to create, to forge

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