La cruz del diablo (Devil's Cross)

 page 6
Ya había comenzado a murmurarla, cuando de improviso sentí que me sacudían con violencia por los hombros.
Volví la cara: un hombre estaba al lado mío.
Era uno de nuestros guías natural del país, el cual, con una indescriptible expresión de terror pintada en el rostro, pugnaba por arrastrarme consigo y cubrir mi cabeza con el fieltro que aún tenía en mis manos.
Mi primera mirada, mitad de asombro, mitad de cólera, equivalía a una interrogación enérgica, aunque muda.
I had already begun to murmur it, when suddenly I felt that they were shaking me with violence for the shoulders. I turned the face: a man was nearby mine.
One of our guides was a native of the country, who, with an indescribable expression of terror identical with the face, was fighting to drag me with it and to cover my head with the felt that it still had in my hands.
My first look, half of astonishment, half of rage, was equivalent to an energetic interrogation, although it changes.

Texto  español vocabulary
sacudir = to shake
natural de = to be of origin
pugnar= to struggle
el fieltro = felt
= to correspond

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