La cruz del diablo (Devil's Cross)

 page 12
Aún testifican la verdad de mi relación algunas informes ruinas que, cubiertas de jaramago y musgo, se alcanzan a ver sobre su cumbre desde el camino que conduce a este pueblo.
No sé si por ventura o desgracia quiso la suerte que este señor, a quien por su crueldad detestaban sus vasallos, y por sus malas cualidades ni el rey admitía en su corte, ni sus vecinos en el hogar, se aburriese de vivir solo con su mal humor y sus ballesteros en lo alto de la roca en que sus antepasados colgaron su nido de piedra.

They still attest the truth of my relation some formless ruins that, covering of jaramago and moss, are managed to see on his summit from the way that leads this people. I do not know if for luck or misfortune he wanted the luck that this gentleman, whom for his cruelty his vassals were detesting, and neither for his bad qualities nor the king it was admitting into his court, nor his neighbors into the hearth, it was getting bored living alone with his bad humor and his archers on top of the rock on which his forefathers hung his stone nest.

testificar= to testify
la relación = relation
informes ruinas = unshaped ruins
el jaramago = annual wall rocket
la ventura = luck
la desgracia = misfortune
la crueldad= cruelty
detestar = to detest
el vasallo = vassal
admitir= to admit
aburrirse = to get bored
el ballestero= cross bow shooter
el mal humor = bad mood

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