La cruz del diablo (Devil's Cross)

 page 26
Si de aquí no hubiera pasado la cosa, nada se habría perdido. Pero el diablo, que a lo que parece no se encontraba satisfecho de su obra, sin duda con el permiso de Dios y a fin de hacer purgar a la comarca algunas culpas, volvió a tomar cartas en el asunto.
Desde este momento las fábulas, que hasta aquella época no pasaron de un rumor vago y sin viso alguno de verosimilitud, comenzaron a tomar consistencia y a hacerse de día en día más probables.
If of here the thing had not happened, nothing would have got lost. But the devil, who to what seems was not satisfied of his work, undoubtedly with the God's permission and in order to make to purge to the region some faults, took letters again in the matter. From this moment the fables, which up to that epoch did not go on from a vague rumour and without viso anyone from verisimilitude, began to take consistency and to become from day to day more probable.


satisfecho = satisfied
tomar cartas = to interfere
un rumor vago = a vage rumour
sin viso alguno de verosimilitud = without a trace of credibility
la verosimilitud = credibility
la consistencia = consistency

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