La cruz del diablo (Devil's Cross)

 page 29

Ya no quedó duda alguna. Una banda de malhechores se albergaba en los subterráneos del castillo.
Éstos, que sólo se presentaban al principio muy de tarde en tarde y en determinados puntos del bosque que aun en el día se dilata a lo largo de la ribera, concluyeron por ocupar casi todos los desfiladeros de las montañas, emboscarse en los caminos, saquear los valles y descender como un torrente a la llanura, donde a éste quiero, a éste no quiero, no dejaban títere con cabeza.
Some doubt did not stay already. A band of malefactors was staying in the tubes of the castle.
These, which only were appearing at first much in the evening in evening and in certain points of the forest that in the day is even dilated along the bank, concluded for occupying almost all the ravines of the mountains, emboscarse in the ways, plundering the vales and descending as a stream to the flatness, where I love this one, I do not love this one, they were not leaving marionette with head.


una banda de malhechores = a gang of criminals
albergar = to accomodate
de tarde en tarde = from time to time
emboscarse = to lie down in ambush
saquear = to plunder
el torrente = torrent
no dejar títere con cabeza = to crash everything

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