La cruz del diablo (Devil's Cross)

 page 41

Inmediato a la villa, y oculto en el fondo de un espeso bosque, vivía a esta sazón, en una pequeña ermita dedicada a San Bartolomé, un santo hombre de costumbres piadosas y ejemplares, a quien el pueblo tuvo siempre en olor de santidad, merced a sus saludables consejos y acertadas predicciones.
Immediate to the town, and I conceal at the bottom of a thick forest, it was living to this ripeness, in a small chapel devoted to San Bartolomé, a holy man of pious and model customs, whom the people always had in smell of holiness, through favor to his healthy advices and guessed right prophecies.

Texto  español vocabulary

la sazón = point of time
piadoso = godly
merced a = thanks to
saludable = salutary
la predicción = prophecy
tener olor = to have a reputation

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