La cruz del diablo (Devil's Cross)

 page 45

Éstos, que se encontraban autorizados por los condes de Urgel para administrarse por sí mismos pronta y severa justicia sobre aquellos malhechores, deliberaron un momento, pasado el cual, mandaron comparecer al delincuente a fin de notificarle su sentencia.
Como dejo dicho, así en la plaza Mayor, como en las calles por donde el prisionero debía atravesar para dirigirse al punto en que sus jueces se encontraban, la impaciente multitud hervía como un apiñado enjambre de abejas. Especialmente en la puerta de la cárcel, la conmoción popular tomaba cada vez mayores proporciones; ya los animados diálogos, los sordos murmullos y los amenazadores gritos comenzaban a poner en cuidado a sus guardas, cuando afortunadamente llegó la orden de sacar al reo.
These, who were authorized by the counts of Urgel prompt and severe justice was administered for yes same on those malefactors, they debated a moment, spent which, they ordered to appear to the delinquent in order to notify to him his judgment.
Since I stop the above mentioned, like that in the Biggest square, as in the streets where the prisoner had to cross to go to the point in which his judges were, the impatient multitude was boiling as a packed swarm of bees.
Especially in the door of the jail, the popular stir was taking every time major proportions; the animated dialogues, the deaf murmurs and the threatening screams already began to put in care his watches, when fortunately there came the order to extract the culprit.


administrar = to administrate
deliberar = to debate
comparecer = to appear in court
notificar = to proclaim
la sentencia = sentence
un apiñado enjambre de abejas = like a cluster of bees

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