La cruz del diablo (Devil's Cross)

 page 60

En tan angustiosa situación, los vecinos se repartieron entre sí las piezas de la armadura, que acaso por la centésima vez se encontraba en sus manos, y rogaron al piadoso eremita, que un día los iluminó con sus consejos, decidiera lo que debía hacerse de ella.

El santo varón ordenó al pueblo una penitencia general. Se encerró por tres días en el fondo de la caverna que le servía de asilo, y al cabo de ellos dispuso que se fundiesen las diabólicas armas, y con ellas y algunos sillares del castillo del Segre, se levantase una cruz.

La operación se llevó a término, aunque no sin que nuevos y aterradores prodigios llenasen de pavor el ánimo de los consternados habitantes de Bellver.

In so distressing situation, the neighbors were distributed between yes the pieces of the armor, which perhaps for the hundredth time one was finding in his hands, and requested the pious hermit, that one day illuminated them with his advices, he was deciding what had to do of her.
The holy male arranged to the village a general atonement. It shut itself up for three days at the bottom of the cavern that was serving him as asylum, and after them he arranged that the diabolical weapon was melted, and with they and some ashlars of the castle of the Segre, one was raising a cross.
The operation took to term, although not without new and frightening prodigies were filling with dread the fortitude of the dismayed inhabitants of Bellver.


repartir = to divide
el piadoso eremita = the godly hermit
el santo varón = sacred man

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