Juan Palazzo, Un visitante nocturno (A visitor at night)

Llegaba invariablemente a la misma hora, con la bolsa montada en hombro y una mano puesta en el bolsillo.

Era la suya una figura que movía a compasión: todo flaco, giboso, pigmeo. Un amplio sombrero escondía su cara de perfil afilado. Su pecho formaba un pequeño saliente oval.
He was coming invariably at the same hour, with the bag mounted in shoulder and a hand put in the pocket.
His was a figure that it was moving to compassion: any weak point, humpback, pygmy. A wide sombrero was hiding his face of sharp profile. His breast was forming a small egg-shaped protrusion.

Yo lo miraba noche a noche, en el oscuro zaguán de casa, cuando hundía la cabeza en los cajones repletos de basuras, mientras sus manos ágiles y grandotas iban a la zaga de los papeles. A veces interrumpía de súbito la muy puerca rebusca, y apoyándose contra la puerta, comenzaba a toser, procurando, vanamente, contener los accesos bruscos.
I was looking at it in the night to night, in the dark hall of house, when I was sinking the head in the booths replete with garbages, while his agile hands and grandotas were going to the rear of the roles. Sometimes it was interrupting of sudden the very nasty search, and resting against the door, began to cough, trying, vainly, to contain the sudden accesses.
giboso = humpy
pigmeo = dwarf, dwarfish
la compasión = compassion
el zagúan = hallway
afilado = sharpened
hundir = to sink
repleto = full
la basura = rubbish, garbage
el puerco = pig
toser = to cough
interrumpir = to interrupt
apoyarse = to lean against something

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