Juan Palazzo, Un visitante nocturno (A visitor at night)

Además, era enano, fragmentario. Todo iba en desfavor suyo. Entonces imitó el ejemplo de otros.

Empezó a pisotear calles, especialmente las céntricas, mirando a diestra y siniestra los umbrales y rincones.
En donde encontraba desperdicios, deteníase. A veces sentía repugnancia, otras veces no.
Also, it was dwarf, fragmentary. Everything was going in desfavor his. Then it imitated the example of others.
It started trampling on streets, especially the central ones, looking at right hand and left hand the thresholds and corners. Where he was finding garbage, it was stopping. Sometimes he was feeling repugnance, other times not.

¡Ah!, pero el mal olor, el olor pestífero se respiraba en todas partes, lo mismo en la urna plomiza de la casa rica como en el largo baúl de los conventillos. Al amanecer giraba hacia el Paseo de Julio, ya rendido, somnoliento, con la boca amarga y los labios secos. Allí, un hombre grueso, sucio, revisaba desconfiado la papelería; la pesaba y entre refunfuños y maldiciones, arrojaba la bolsa al carro.
Ah!, but the bad smell, the smell pestífero was breathed everywhere, the same in the leaden urn of the rich house like in the long trunk of the conventillos. At the dawn it was turning towards Julio's, already humble, sleepy Walk, with the bitter mouth and the dry lips. There, a thick, dirty man, was checking distrusted the stationery; it was weighing her and between complaining and curses, it was throwing the bag to the car.

el enano = dwarf
en favor = in favour
pisotear = to kick
en desfavor = to the disadvantage of
el umbral = treshold
diestra y siniestra = left and right (italianismo, not possible in Spain, from the Italian a destra e a la                               sinistra)
los desperdicios = litter, garbage
detenerse = to hold, to stop
la repugnancia = disgust
respirar = to breathe
el plomo = lead
plomizo = made of lead
el conventillo = shabby house
el amanecer = sun rise
girar = to turn
rendir = to vanquish
somnoliento = tired, sleepy
amargo = bitter
confiar = to trust
desconfiar = to distrust
desconfiado = distrustful
papelería = actually paper shop, here: a sack of papers
la maldición = curse
refunfuñar = to mumble
los refunfuños = mumble
arrojar = to throw

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