Ande, ande, ande la Marimorena

  Comment about the song

As we know from all kind - also modern - songs, they are not necessarily logical. Also the Spanish Christmas carols are not really always logical. There are comments on the net to be found, e.g. here.

However, main thing is what we can learn from the songs about Spanish Christmas, about the language and that they are actually really nice.

Ande, ande, ande la Marimorena
Go, go, go Marimorena

En el Portal de Belen hay estrellas, sol y luna,
la Virgen y San José, y el Niño que está en la cuna.

Ande, ande, ande la Marimorena
ande, ande, ande que es la Nochebuena.
Ande, ande, ande la Marimorena
ande, ande, ande que es la Nochebuena.
In the gate of Bethlehem there are stars, sun and moon,
Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph and the child in the crib.

Go, go, go Marimorena
go, go go because it is Christmas
go, go, go Marimorena
go, go, go because it is Christmas

En el Portal de Belen hacen luna los pastores
para calentar al niño que ha nacido entre las flores.

Ande, ande, ande la Marimorena
ande, ande, ande que es la Nochebuena.
Ande, ande, ande la Marimorena
ande, ande, ande que es la Nochebuena.
At the gate of Bethlehem the shepherds watch
to warm the child, that was born between flowers.

Go, go, go Marimorena
go, go go because it is Christmas
go, go, go Marimorena
go, go, go because it is Christmas

Una estrella se ha perdido y en el cielo no aparece,
se ha metido en el portal y en su rostro resplandece.

Ande, ande, ande la Marimorena
ande, ande, ande que es la Nochebuena.
Ande, ande, ande la Marimorena
ande, ande, ande que es la Nochebuena.
One star got lost and in the sky it does not appear,
It has placed itself on the gate and brightens his face.

Go, go, go Marimorena
go, go go because it is Christmas
go, go, go Marimorena
go, go, go because it is Christmas

la estrella = star
andar = to go
calentar = to warm
perder = to lose
meterse = to place oneself, to put oneself

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