La cruz del diablo (Devil's Cross)

 page 34

Éstos se reducían a formar una banda de jóvenes de buen humor, despreocupados y poco temerosos del peligro, que desde allí en adelante vivirían alegremente del producto de su valor y a costa del país, hasta tanto que Dios se sirviera disponer de cada uno de ellos conforme a su voluntad, según hoy a mi me sucede.

Con este objeto señalamos esta comarca para teatro de nuestras expediciones futuras, y escogimos como punto el más a propósito para nuestras reuniones el abandonado castillo del Segre, lugar seguro no tanto por su posición fuerte y ventajosa, como por hallarse defendido contra el vulgo por las supersticiones y el miedo.
These were diminishing to forming a band of in a cheerful mood, unconcerned and slightly fearful young people of the danger, who from there from now on would live cheerfully of the product of his value and at the cost of the country, up to so much that God was serving himself to have each of them in accordance with his will, according to today it happens to me. With this object we indicate this region for theater of our future expeditions, and we chose as point more by the way for our meetings godforsaken castle of the Segre, sure place not so much for his strong and profitable position, as for being defended against the people for the superstitions and the fear.


reducirse = to agree
despreocupado = careless
a costa = on cost of
disponer = to dispose
conforme a = in the degree, according
escoger = to choose
ventajoso = beneficial
el vulgo = crowd
la superstición = supersticion

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