La cruz del diablo (Devil's Cross)

 page 37

-Si alguno de vosotros se atreve a ser el primero mientras yo habite en el castillo del Segre, que tome esa espada, signo del poder.

Todos guardamos silencio, hasta que, transcurrido el primer momento de estupor, le proclamamos a grandes voces nuestro capitán, ofreciéndole una copa de nuestro vino, la cual rehusó por señas, acaso por no descubrir la faz, que en vano procuramos distinguir a través de las rejillas de hierro que la ocultaban a nuestros ojos.
- if some of you dares to be the first one while I inhabited in the castle of the Segre, which takes this sword, sign of the power.We all keep silence, until, passed the first moment of stupor, we proclaim him to big voices our captain, offering him a glass of our wine, which refused for signs, chance for not discovering the face, which in vain we try to distinguish across the grills of iron that were concealing it from our eyes.


el signo de poder = sign of power
el estupor = perplexity
proclamar = to proclaim
rehusar = to disdain
la faz = face
la rejilla = grating

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