La cruz del diablo (Devil's Cross)

 page 42

Este venerable ermitaño, a cuya prudencia y proverbial sabiduría encomendaron los vecinos de Bellver la resolución de este difícil problema, después de implorar la misericordia divina por medio de su santo Patrono, que, como ustedes no ignoran, conoce al diablo muy de cerca y en más de una ocasión le ha atado bien corto, les aconsejó que se emboscasen durante la noche al pie del pedregoso camino que sube serpenteando por la roca; en cuya cima se encontraba el castillo, encargándoles al mismo tiempo que, ya allí, no hiciesen uso de otras armas para aprehenderlo que de una maravillosa oración que les hizo aprender de memoria, y con la cual aseguraban las crónicas que San Bartolomé había hecho al diablo su prisionero.
This venerable hermit, to whose prudence and proverbial knowledge the neighbors of Bellver entrusted the resolution of this difficult problem, after begged the divine compassion by means of his holy Employer, that, since you do not ignore, he meets the devil very closely and in more than one occasion short good has tied him, advised them that emboscasen during the night on the foot of the stony way that rises winding for the rock; in whose top was finding the castle, entrusting them at the same time that, already there, there were not making use of other weapon for aprehenderlo that of a wonderful prayer that he made them learn of memory, and with which they were assuring the chronicles that San Bartolomé had done to the devil his prisoner.


venerable = worthy
la prudencia = prudence
proverbial = proverbial
encomendar = to entrust
implorar = to plea
la misericordia divina = divine mercy
emboscar = to barricade
pedregoso = stony
serpentear = to trail
encargar = to charge with

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