La cruz del diablo (Devil's Cross)

 page 55

En esta creencia estuve siempre, creencia en que no podía menos de confirmarme la inmovilidad en que se encontraban desde que por segunda vez tornaron a la cárcel traídas del concejo. En vano una noche y otra, deseando sorprender su misterio, si misterio en ellas había, me levantaba poco a poco y aplicaba el oído a los intersticios de la cerrada puerta de su calabozo; ni un rumor se percibía.
En vano procuré observarlas a través de un pequeño agujero producido en el muro; arrojadas sobre un poco de paja y en uno de los más oscuros rincones, permanecían un día y otro descompuestas e inmóviles.

In this credence I was always, credence in which he could not confirm the immobility in which they were since for the second time they returned to the jail brought of the council to less of me. In vain one night and other one, wanting to surprise his mystery, if mystery in them there was, was raising me little by little and was applying the ear to the interstices of the closed door of his cell; not even a rumour was perceived.
In vain I tried to observe them across a small hole produced in the wall; thrown on a little of straw and in one of the darkest corners, they were remaining one day and other rotten and immobile.


la creencia = believe
confirmar = to confirm
en vano = in vain
el intersticio = gap

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