Video 011 :: Explanations :: Grammar: Vocabulary

Estoy estudiando sobre = I am studying.

the construction estar + gerundio

Mira, aquí tenemos = Let' s have a look, here we have...
Porque estoy estudiando sobre la revolución = Because I am studying the french revolution right now
y el anarquismo en España = and anarchism in Spain.
Aquí tenemos un libro = Here we have a book
super interesante = very interesting
Anaquismo y revolución en la sociedad = anarchy and revolution y the
rural aragonesa 1936 - 1938 = countryside of Aragón from 1936 - 1938
de Julián Casanova = by Julián Casanova
y aquí tenemos otro = and here we have another one
Hacia la revolución = Way to revolution

The preposition hacia: ../../grammatik/chapter/hacia_12_11.htm

pero de Asturias = but in Asturias
en octubre de 1934 = in october 1934
la cuenca minera asturiana = the mines of Asturia
estalló con toda la fuerza etc. = exploded with alle his force
Yo creo que me llevo estos dos = I think I take both of them
son fantásticos = They are phantastique
pero no tengo dinero = but I have no money
no puedo llevarmelos = I can' t take them with me
y si le dijera que me los = but perhaps I can say him
que me los dé y mañana le pago? = that he give them to me now and I pay tomorrow
y si le digo = and if I say to him
Quisiera llevarme estos libros = that I want to take these books with me
y mañana le traigo el dinero = and tomorrow I bring him the money
igual me deja = perhaps he agrees
Oiga = Listen
¿me puede reservar estos dos libros?= Can you put these books aside until tomorrow?
Es que no he traido dinero = I don' t have any money (literally: It is that I don' t have any money)