Hice una raya by Faneroque

  Description of the song:

The song refers to the history of the Canary Islands and its native people the Guanchos, and that there had been tensions. The person in the song "makes a streak in the sand", as a sign of the evanescence of "old" stories" and that in this person's opinion bygones should be bygones.

Romance - Hice una raya
Romance - there was a streak

Romance - Hice una raya

Lejos en el horizonte
La historia canaria se esconde

Y se oculta ante la gloria
De un pueblo que vive sin memoria.

Romance - there was a streak

Far away at the horizon
the story of the Canary Islands hide

Hidden behind the glory of a people
that lives without history

Hice una raya en la arena
Tachando palabras que traen las penas.
De una raya hice un puente de buenas ideas.
I made a streak to the Sand
and deleted the words, remembering the sorrow
from this streak a made a bridge of good ideas.

Hice una raya en la arena
Cerrando el paso a todas las mentiras
Y ver la mar hasta donde arrastra su ira.

La estrella que mano alcanza
Da vida y luz a la esperanza.

I made a streak in the sand,
closed all doors to lies
to see, where the sea takes the fury.

The star that reaches the hand
gives also live and light to hope

Cuando la luna va y se despierta
La verdad abre sus puertas.

Hice una raya para dividir
El pan que nos brinda la tierra
Lo justo como realidad en que todos crean.

When the moon rises and wakes
opens the truth its doors

I made streak in the sand to divide
the bread given by our earth
justice as the truth, in which all believe

Hice unas rayas para dibujar
Tabaibas y palmeras
El Agua en el barranco y verde la ladera

Borré la raya que nos separaba
Como pueblo hermano
La tradición al nuevo tiempo
Le dará la mano.

I made a streak in the sand
to pain Taibabas and palms
the water in the cave and the green of theh meadow

May the streak smear, what
brother separates from brother
the tradition of the new era
I give it my hand.

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