Juana de Ibarbourou, La higuera (The Fig Tree)

  La higuera (The Fig Tree)

Author: Juana de Ibarbourou (neé Juana Fernández Morales)
born in Melo (Uruguay) 1895
died in Montevideo 1979, married with Lucas Ibarbourou, whose name she used

La higuera
The Fig Tree

Porque es áspera y fea,
porque todas sus ramas son grises
yo le tengo piedad a la higuera.
En mi quinta hay cien árboles bellos:
ciruelos redondos,
limoneros rectos
y naranjos de brotes lustrosos.
Why is it harsh and ugly,
why are all the branches grey,
I feel sorry for the fig tree.
On my manor there are hundred beautiful trees:
round plum trees,
straight lemon trees,
orange trees with shiny blossoms.

En las primaveras
todos ellos se cubren de flores
en torno a la higuera.
Y la pobre parece tan triste
con sus gajos torcidos, que nunca
de apretados capullos se viste.
In spring time
they all are covered with flowers
around the fig tree.
Only the poor one seems forlorn
with its twisted branches that are never
dressed in buds..

Por eso,
cada vez que yo paso a su lado
digo, procurando
hacer dulce y alegre mi acento:
«Es la higuera el más bello
de los árboles todos del huerto.»
every time I pass it
I say, trying
to give a soft tone to my voice:
"It is the most beautiful fig tree
among all the trees in the garden".

Si ella escucha,
si comprende el idioma en que hablo,
¡qué dulzura tan honda hará nido
en su alma sensible de árbol!
Y tal vez, a la noche,
cuando el viento abanique su copa,
embriagada de gozo le cuente:
-¡Hoy a mí me dijeron hermosa!
If it listens
If it understands the tongue I am speaking,
what a sweet grace will nestle
in its sensitive soul of the tree!
And, may be at night,
when the wind is fanning its crown,
drunk with joy it may tell:
Today they told me I am beautiful!

áspero = harsh
la rama = branch, twig
la higuera = fig tree
la quinta = manor
el árbol = tree
el ciruelo = plum tree
el limonero = lemon tree
el naranjo = orange tree
lustroso = shiny, brilliant
cubrir = to cover
la flor = flower
el gajo = (broken) twig, branch
torcido = twisted
nunca = never
el capullo = bud
vestirse = to dress
pasar = to pass
el lado = side
procurar = to try
dulce = sweet, graceful
alegre = glad, happy
el huerto = orchard
el idioma = language , tongue
la dulzura = sweetness, grace
hondo = deep
el nido = nest
el alma = soul
la copa = cup, crown (of a tree)
embriagado = drunk
el gozo = joy
hermoso = beautiful

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