Ruben Dario, Margarita, está linda la mar (Margarita, the sea is beautiful)

  Margarita, está linda la mar (Margarita, the sea is beautiful) )

Author: Rubén Darío
born 1867 in Metapa, Nicaragua
died 1916 in Nicaragua.

Background of the poem: Luis H. Debayle invited Rubén Darío to stay some time on the island El Cardón in the bay of Corinto. There he wrote the poem for the daughter of Luis H. Debayle, Margarita. The involvement of the family Debayle with the dictatorship Somoza at a later point of time and the role of Rubén Darío during the dictatorship is discussed intensely in Nicaragua.

A Margarita Debayle
Margarita, está linda la mar,
y el viento
lleva esencia sutil de azahar;
yo siento
en el alma una alondra cantar:
tu acento.
Margarita, te voy a contar
un cuento.

To Margarita Debayle
Margarita the sea is gleaming
And the breeze
Brings the scent of lemon
And orange sprays,
And in my soul I feel a lark singing:
Your voice.
Margarita, I'm going to tell you
A story

Este era un rey que tenía
un palacio de diamantes,
una tienda hecha del día
y un rebaño de elefantes,
Once there was a king who had
A palace of diamonds,
A tent made of daylight,
A heard of elephants,

un kiosco de malaquita,
un gran manto de tisú,
y una gentil princesita,
tan bonita,
tan bonita como tú.
A kiosk of malachite,
A robe of gold tissue
And a graceful daughter
So lovely,
As lovely as you.

Una tarde la princesa
vio una estrella aparecer;
la princesa era traviesa
y la quiso ir a coger.
One afternoon the princess
Looked up, and a new star shone.
She was mischievous,
And craved to get it down.

La quería para hacerla
decorar un prendedor,
con un verso y una perla,
y una pluma y una flor.
She wanted it for her breastpin,
To add to its décor,
With a poem and a pearl,
A feather and a flower.

Las princesas primorosas
se parecen mucho a ti:
cortan lirios, cortan rosas,
cortan astros. Son así.
Exquisite princesses
Act a lot like you:
They cut lillies and roses
and stars. They are like that.

Pues se fue la niña bella,
bajo el cielo y sobre el mar,
a cortar la blanca estrella
que la hacía suspirar.
So she went, the beautiful child,
Under the sky and over the sea
To cut down the small white star
That had made her sigh.

Y siguió camino arriba,
por la luna y más allá;
mas lo malo es que ella iba
sin permiso del papá.
She made her way upward
Past the moon and farther;
With mischief, without permission
From her father.

Cuando estuvo ya de vuelta
de los parques del Señor,
se miraba toda envuelta
en un dulce resplandor.
When she left God's park
And returned that night,
She saw everything caught
In sweet, elegant light.

Y el rey dijo: -"¿Qué te has hecho?
Te he buscado y no te hallé;
y ¿qué tienes en el pecho,
que encendido se te ve?"
The king asked, "What have you done?"
I looked all over -but you were lost!
And why are you blushing?
What's hiding there at your chest?

La princesa no mentía.
Y así, dijo la verdad:
-"Fui a cortar la estrella mía
a la azul inmensidad."
The princess did not lie.
What she told the king was true:
"I went to cut my star
out of the giant blue."

Y el rey clama: -"¿No te he dicho
que el azul no hay que tocar?
¡Qué locura! ¡Qué capricho!...
El Señor se va a enojar."
The king cried, "Haven't I told you
The blue is not to be touched?
What foolishness! What fancy!
Child, you'll anger God!

Y dice ella: -"No hubo intento;
yo me fui no sé por qué;
por las olas y en el viento
fui a la estrella y la corté."
She said, "I didn't mean to.
I don't know why I went
To the star, to cut it down.
I rode on the waves and the wind."

Y el papá dice enojado:
-"Un castigo has de tener:
vuelve al cielo, y lo robado
vas ahora a devolver."
Her father, angry now, said:
"you must go back to heave.
Your punishment is to return
What you have stolen."

La princesa se entristece
por su dulce flor de luz,
cuando entonces aparece
sonriendo el Buen Jesús.
The princess felt deeply sad -
Her precious flower of light
Then the good Lord appeared,
Smiling, at her side.

Y así dice: -"En mis campiñas
esa rosa le ofrecí:
son mis flores de las niñas
que al soñar piensan en mí."
He said, "From my far fields,
I offer this rose -to keep.
Stars are the flowers of children
Who dream of me when they sleep."

Viste el rey ropas brillantes,
y luego hace desfilar
cuatrocientos elefantes
a la orilla de la mar.
The king dressed in brilliant robes
And in a procession he
marched four hundred elephants
down to the shore of the sea.

La princesita está bella,
pues ya tiene el prendedor
en que lucen, con la estrella,
verso, perla, pluma y flor.
The princess is beautiful-
And she still wears the star in the pin
That the poem, pearl, feather
And flower shine in.

Margarita, está linda la mar,
y el viento
lleva esencia sutil de azahar:
tu aliento.
Ya que lejos de mí vas a estar,
guarda, niña, un gentil pensamiento
al que un día te quiso contar
un cuento.
Margarita, the sea is gleaming
And the breeze
Brings the scent of lemon aAnd orange sprays:
Your breath
Child, now that you'll be far,
Remember the princess and the star.
And remember the one
Who told you a story.


el azahar = blossom of oranges
una alondra = lark
el rebaño = herd
la malaquita = malachite
el tisú = brocate
aparecer = to appear
travieso = jolly
el prendedor = brooch
primoroso = lovely
camino arriba = going up
de vuelta = returned
envolver = to enfold, to enwrap
el resplandor = shine, brilliance
hallar = to find
mentir = to lie
la inmensidad = immenseness
el capricho = idea
enojado = angry
el castigo = punishment, forfeit
devolver = to return, to give back
entristecerse = to become sad
las campiñas = fields
desfilar = to march up, to defile
la orilla = shore
el aliento = breath
gentil = gentle
el pensamiento = thought, memory

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